
JavaScript component for private keys, public keys, and addresess for crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin.


This module provides a convenient way to compute all of the relevant crypto currency details of private keys, public keys, and addresses. It inherits from ECKey and adds the utility of coinstring.


npm install --save coinkey


Common Use Cases

Generate a Bunch of Bitcoin Keys/Addresses

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');

var bitcoinAddresses = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  bitcoinAddresses.push(new CoinKey()); //Bitcoin supported by default

Generate a Bunch of Namecoin Keys/Addresses

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var ci = require('coininfo');

var namecoins = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  namecoins.push(new CoinKey(ci('NMC').versions));

Parse a Wallet Import Key and Determine Crypto Currency

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var ci = require('coininfo');

var ck = CoinKey.fromWif('QVD3x1RPiWPvyxbTsfxVwaYLyeBZrQvjhZ2aZJUsbuRgsEAGpNQ2');

console.log(ck.privateKey.toString('hex')) // => c4bbcb1fbec99d65bf59d85c8cb62ee2db963f0fe106f483d9afa73bd4e39a8a
console.log(ck.publicAddress) // => DGG6AicS4Qg8Y3UFtcuwJqbuRZ3Q7WtYXv
console.log(ck.compressed) // => true
console.log(ck.versions.public === ci('DOGE').versions.public) // => true

Change to Testnet Later

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var ci = require('coininfo');

var ck = new CoinKey(new Buffer('1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd', 'hex'));
console.log(ck.publicAddress); // => 16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS

//change to Testnet
ck.versions = ci('TEST');

console.log(ck.publicAddress); // => mkzgubTA5Ahi6BPSkE6MN9pEafRutznkMe


CoinKey([bytes], [compressed], [versions])

Constructor function.

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var secureRandom = require('secure-random'); 

var bytes = secureRandom(32); //
var key1 = new ECKey(bytes);
var key2 = CoinKey(bytes); //<--- can also use without "new"
var compressedKey = new CoinKey(bytes, true);



Inherited from ECKey. eckey.compressed


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.privateKey


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.privateExportKey


Get the private WIF (Wallet Import Format).

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var conv = require('binstring');

var privateKeyHex = "1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd";

//Bitcoin WIF
var key = new CoinKey(conv(privateKeyHex, {in: 'hex', out: 'buffer'}), false);
console.log(key.privateWif) // => 5Hx15HFGyep2CfPxsJKe2fXJsCVn5DEiyoeGGF6JZjGbTRnqfiD

//Litecoin WIF
var key = new CoinKey(conv(privateKeyHex, {in: 'hex', out: 'buffer'}), false, {private: 0xB0, public: 0x30});
console.log(key.privateWif) // => 6uFjYQnot5Gtg3HpP87bp4JUpg4FH1gkkV3RyS7LHBbD9Hpt1na


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.publicKey


Get the public address.

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var conv = require('binstring');

var privateKeyHex = "1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd";

//Bitcoin Address
var key = new CoinKey(conv(privateKeyHex, {in: 'hex', out: 'buffer'}), false);
console.log(key.publicAddress) // => 16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS

//Litecoin Address
var key = new CoinKey(conv(privateKeyHex, {in: 'hex', out: 'buffer'}), false, {private: 0xB0, public: 0x30});
console.log(key.publicAddress) // => 16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS


Alias: pubKeyHash

Get the public hash i.e. the ripemd160(sha256(publicKey))

var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var conv = require('binstring');

var privateKeyHex = "1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd";

var key = new CoinKey(conv(privateKeyHex, {in: 'hex', out: 'buffer'}), false);
console.log(key.publicHash.toString('hex')) // => 3c176e659bea0f29a3e9bf7880c112b1b31b4dc8
console.log(key.publKeyHash.toString('hex')) // => 3c176e659bea0f29a3e9bf7880c112b1b31b4dc8

var keyCompressed = CoinKey(conv(privateKeyHex, {in: 'hex', out: 'buffer'}), true);
console.log(key.publicHash.toString('hex')) // => a1c2f92a9dacbd2991c3897724a93f338e44bdc1
console.log(key.publKeyHash.toString('hex')) // => a1c2f92a9dacbd2991c3897724a93f338e44bdc1


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.publicPoint


Returns the string representation of the private key.


fromWif(wif, [versions])

Class method to create a CoinKey from a wif.

var ck = CoinKey.fromWif('KwomKti1X3tYJUUMb1TGSM2mrZk1wb1aHisUNHCQXTZq5auC2qc3');
console.log(ck.compressed); // => true
console.log(ck.privateKey.toString('hex')) // => 1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd
console.log(ck.publicAddress); // => 1FkKMsKNJqWSDvTvETqcCeHcUQQ64kSC6s

Browser Support

Clone the repo:

git clone

Install Browserify

npm install -g browserify

Nav to repo:

cd coinkey

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run browserify:

browserify --standalone coinkey < lib/coinkey.js > lib/coinkey.bundle.js

You can now drop coinkey.bundle.js in a <script> tag.
