
CryptoCoinJS is a JavaScript project that helps you to interface with many of the crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and more. Most of the modules are fully compatible with the browser and Node.js. Naturally, the modules that interface directly with peer nodes won't run in the browser.


We believe in the Node.js and UNIX philosophy - the idea of building small components that do one thing and do it well. Writing software in this manner allows individuals to use and contribute much more effectively than writing one monolithic library.

We believe that people are more important than code and therefore it's critical to write code that is easy to read, document each module with the API and examples, and that code is the enemy 1 2.

We believe that writing tests is one of the best ways to communicate expectations between developers. If documentation is a way to commuincate for a consumer of your module, then tests are a way to communicate between developers.

We have our work cut out for us.


CryptoCoinJS is focused on Node.js and the browser using Browserify. We have made an active decision to NOT support legacy browsers. i.e. if your browser does not support ECMAScript 5 (2009-2010) and it doesn't support window.crypto.getRandomValues() some of the modules may not work.



Note: If a component won't work on the client (browser), then it'll be marked as server only.


Crypto Currency

(the following are poorly documented and need some TLC)





The library that bundles everything is located here: The NPM module is cryptocoin.

Development moves quickly with each individual module and packaging up a release in the larger module is tedious and error prone. So, the state of the large bundle is unknown.

Use In Production

Do you use any of CryptoCoinJS? If so, let us know by emailing us or opening a issue/pull request.

Have Questions?

Please see our FAQ. If it's not answered on the FAQ, then email us.

Want to Contribute?

Please read:


This library wouldn't be possible without some of the great work of Stefan Thomas, Tom Wu, authors of CryptoJS, and authors of SJCL. Also, recent contributions to BitcoinJS by Kyle Drake, Daniel Cousens, and Wei Lu have helped tremendously. We owe all of the aforementioned a heartfelt thank you for building the foundation for all of this.

Last, but surely not least, we owe Satoshi Nakamoto a heartfelt thank you for inventing what will surely be one of the greatest inventions of mankind.